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In another recent study, Polish participants spent 15 minutes gazing at either a wintertime urban forest or an unforested urban landscape. Indeed, various other studies suggest that the practice of “ forest bathing”-deliberately spending time among the woods-can help us deal with the stresses and strains of urban living. “The psychological benefits of walking through forests are very significant, and forest environments are expected to have very important roles in promoting mental health in the future,” the authors write. The results were even stronger for people who were more anxious to begin with. In all cases, the participants walking in a forest experienced less anxiety, hostility, fatigue, confusion, and depressive symptoms, and more vigor, compared to walking in an urban setting. The forests and urban centers were in 52 different locations around the country, and about a dozen participants walked in each area. In one recent study, 585 young adult Japanese participants reported on their moods after walking for 15 minutes, either in an urban setting or in a forest. And much of that research has been conducted in forests. Probably the most well-researched benefit of nature exposure is that it seems to help decrease our stress, rumination, and anxiety. Trees help us feel less stressed and more restored Here are some of the more provocative findings from recent research on how trees increase human well-being. If your neighborhood moose is fed by humans, chances it will charge people, including children, increase.From the GGSC to your bookshelf: 30 science-backed tools for well-being. Don't feed moose and ask your neighbors not to feed them. It may attack if it sees that the person has no food to offer. A moose with a history of being fed may approach an unsuspecting person in hopes of receiving a hand-out. Moose that are fed by humans often become conditioned and will act aggressively when they are not fed as expected. If you see a calf on its own, be very careful because you may have walked between it and its mother - a very dangerous place to be. In late spring and summer, cow moose with young calves are very protective and will attack humans who come too close.

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Each moose has a different tolerance level, but if they are harassed enough, many moose will respond aggressively.Īre there other seasons when moose tend to be aggressive?ĭuring the fall mating season in late September and October, termed the rut, bull moose may be aggressive toward humans. When people repeatedly approach them or chase them away, moose become stressed and agitated.

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When moose are on a road, driveway, or trail or when they are lying under a deck or up against a house, they are often trying to rest. Give moose an extremely wide berth if you have a dog with you and don't let your dog chase a moose. Moose view dogs as enemies and will sometimes go out of their way to kick at one, even if the dog is on a leash or in a fenced yard.

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Dogs can surprise moose in backyards, and loose dogs may chase or bark at them. Sometimes people throw snowballs at moose or approach them too closely for safety. Moose are not normally aggressive however, they can become aggressive when they are harassed by people, dogs, and traffic, or when hungry and tired, especially in winter when they must walk through deep snow. Run and get behind something solid, like a tree, or retreat to a safe place, like inside a building or car. But if a moose does charge, don't wait to find out if it's bluffing. Understanding a moose's body language when stressed, can help you stay safe.ĭo you know what to do when a moose charges? Fortunately most moose charges are bluffs - warning you to stay back. People can be hurt when moose charge, stomp and kick to protect themselves or their young. Moose will usually flee when threatened but under certain circumstances, they can become aggressive. While moose are generally perceived to be less dangerous than bears, more people in Alaska are injured by moose than by bears each year.

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The Technical Papers and Special Publications Series.CSIS – Community Subsistence Information System.Cultural and Subsistence Harvest Permits.Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Permits.

#Spine2d attach items registration#

  • Online General Season & Registration Permits.
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  • Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Program (WASSIP).
  • About the Division of Commercial Fisheries.
  • Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS).
  • Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program.
  • Alaska Fish and Wildlife News (Magazine).
  • Board of Fisheries and Game: Actions & Activities.

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